pirmdiena, 2010. gada 25. oktobris


How to do backflip

How to Do a Backflip

The backflip, also known as the back tuck, is an impressive and dangerous athletic feet.
Once you learn how to do one, you'll be able to use it to impress friends, add some flair to
your dance moves or avoid a sword strike from an unruly band of ninjas. If you can overcome
your fear and commit to a little practice, you can do a backflip in no time. Follow these steps
to learn how it's done.
Difficulty: Moderately Challenging


Things You'll Need:

  • Spotter
  • Trampoline
  1. 1
    Find an open area with a soft surface. Small spaces with obstacles and a concrete floor are a recipe for injury. If you have access to a gym with a mat, you should use that until you get the hang of it.
  2. 2
    Stretch thoroughly. Make sure you stretch the muscles of your arms, legs, neck, chest and back. This will keep you from pulling a muscle.
  3. 3
    Have no fear. If you don't commit to the backflip, you'll never make it all the way around and could end up landing on your head.
  4. 4
    Stand up straight with your arms above your head and your feet shoulder-width apart. Proper balance is vital to completing the flip safely.
  5. 5
    Swing your arms down and back as you squat for your jump. Bend your knees at a 90 degree angle so you can push hard off the ground with both feet.
  6. 6
    Explode off the ground, swinging you arms back above the head. You should get familiar with where the peak of your jump. Timing is important.
  7. 7
    Lean back and tuck your knees into your chest as you reach the peak of your jump. This will give you the momentum to flip backward.
  8. 8
    Stretch out your legs three-fourths of the way through the roll to land on your feet. Timing this correctly will take practice.
  9. 9
    Bend your legs as you land to soften the impact and lessen the chance of you losing your balance. If you feel like you are going to fall, you should bend down and place both of your hands on the floor for support.

Tips & Warnings

  • If you can, have a trained spotter assist you. They can help prevent injury and teach you proper technique as you practice.
  • Use a trampoline to get familiar with the feeling of flipping backward. As this becomes normal, jumping from a higher surface to a lower surface can make the transition to even ground easier.
  • Never do a backflip alone. Even experienced backflippers can injure themselves. You'll want someone to help you just in case.
  • Do not wear tight, restrictive clothing. The ability to move freely is vital to any athletic move.

Read more: How to Do a Backflip | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_2036336_do-backflip.html#ixzz13Ocu5sWY

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 21. oktobris

How to do front flip


Setting up

  1. 1
    First off, you'll need a running start. A lot of gymnasts use a running start that lasts about 10 seconds; don't do this, as it's pointless. Start with a couple of steps, hop forward and place your feet in front of your body and punch the ground at an angle. In gymnastics this term is considered as blocking, and it's the most efficient way to reach your highest vertical leap possible.
  2. 2
    Your feet are close together, ahead of your body now... Jump at an ANGLE. In physics, it's known fact that launching yourself at an angle maintains your momentum gained from a running start; thus, you'll jump a lot higher.

In the air: ninja technique

  1. 1
    The most common mistake with people attempting to front tuck is that they spin way too early and barely jump. With blocking, the jumping part is fixed, but the spin may still prove as a problem.
  2. 2
    While you're jumping in the air, be sure that you wait until you reach the PEAK of your jump. This is THE most important part of the trick.
  3. 3
    When you reach your peak, bring your knees to your chest and tuck as small as possible. The smaller you tuck, the faster you will rotate.
  4. 4
    The reason for reaching the peak of your jump before tucking is because of your center of gravity. When you start to tuck, you rotate around your center of gravity and you don't go up any further. So, reach your PEAK, THEN TUCK.


  1. 1
    Now that you've tucked, release your legs as soon as you feel your head returning to it's starting position.



  • Do these into a swimming pool to get the technique of it down before attempting it on regular flooring. This only goes for front tucks though; don't take this advice for stationary front tucks or backflips.
    Feel confident and think of how you want to do it before attempting the try.
  • If you're not getting the full rotation, be sure to remember the steps. JUMP, PEAK, TUCK.
  • Have a good running start, but not too much.


  • Never do your flip on your own until you are sure that you can do one without seriously injuring yourself.

ceturtdiena, 2010. gada 14. oktobris


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