pirmdiena, 2010. gada 15. novembris

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

Inese Irmeja

Ask me anything

If you had to throw away either your TV or your computer, which would you choose?


Ask me anything

What's the secret to happiness?

Being with God

Ask me anything

If you could change your name, what would you change it to?


Ask me anything

What are you most excited about right now?


Ask me anything

Do you believe in angels?


Ask me anything

What was the worst job you've ever had?

moving dirt and dust

Ask me anything

If you were stranded on a desert island, which one person would you bring with you?

Artūrs Garbilis

Ask me anything

Do you have any scars on your body? If so, how'd you get them?

I run into a door edge

Ask me anything

What's your earliest memory?

trip to Sigulda, don't remeber year

Ask me anything

Chocolate or Vanilla?


Ask me anything

How would you describe your personality?

mad, strange,

Ask me anything

If you could ask George W. Bush one question what would it be?

do You enjoy being presedent?

Ask me anything

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?


Ask me anything

If you could wake up as anyone tomorrow, who would it be?

Jackie Chan

Ask me anything

If you had to perform at the circus, what trick would you do?

back, front - any flip

Ask me anything

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes?


Ask me anything

Who's the most famous person you've met?

Bobby Bowell

Ask me anything

Have you ever been fired? If so, why?


Ask me anything

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

learn new skills superfast (like Matrix)

Ask me anything

What was your favorite birthday gift?


Ask me anything

If you could look like anybody, who would it be?

Jackie Chan

Ask me anything

What music are you listening to today?

Yesterday I decided to not listen music to day :D

Ask me anything

Would you rather work at a large company or a small one?

small one

Ask me anything

If you could have the starring role in one movie what would it be?

something with climbing or something else extreme

Ask me anything

Are you a morning or night person?


Ask me anything

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to breathe underwater?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite city?

Dobele for now

Ask me anything

If you were offered the job of U.S. president would you take the job?


Ask me anything

Would you rather vacation at the beach or in the mountains?


Ask me anything

What's your favorite sport?


Ask me anything


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/Reinmeistars


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/Reinmeistars


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/Reinmeistars

If you could master one skill what would it be?

climbing or parkour

Ask me anything

Who inspires you the most?

boldest climbers

Ask me anything

pirmais ko tu vēlētos izdarīt, kad sasniegsi pilngadību?

dabūt darbu :D

Ask me anything

svētdiena, 2010. gada 14. novembris

Gotta have Our time

Before I even start the day
Before distractions come my way
Before it ever gets crazy
I gotta have our time

I want to be close to you
So you can bring me back to the truth
Cause the only way I’ll make it through
I gotta have our time

I love the moments when you freeze my clock
And in the middle of the day
Then we go and take a walk in the park
You never want to be apart from me
Cause you hold me so close to your heart

Our time
To get away
Your time
To be alone with me
My time where I can hear you say
Everything I need to get me through the day
Our time
To bring it back to one
And this is your time
To show me your love
And this is my time
To learn to trust
I know that I need it so much
Our time

Oh oh
Bring it back to the

In the middle of my doubt and fear
In the middle of my pain and tears
I know you want to meet me hear
So we can have our time
I can share anything with you
And I’ll always be the same to you
Everyday you want to make me new
We gotta have our time

And when I feel the tick tock chasing me
I just got to make a pit stop constantly
Cause you know it´s what I want and what I need
Just to bring me back to the place
Where my eyes can see

Lord I believe
You´re all I need
I gotta have you everyday
I won´t take a step till you tell me what´s next
Show me the way

Words & Music By:
Manwell Reyes Blanca Reyes Pablo Villatoro Sam Mizell

otrdiena, 2010. gada 2. novembris

Patiesība, kas ne vienmēr mums patīk....

Kādu svētdienas rītu, dievkalpojuma laikā, 2000 draudzes locekļi bija pārsteigti ieraugot baznīcā ienākam divus vīrus. Abi bija tērpušies melnā no galvas līdz kājām, un rokās turēja automātus. Viens no vīriem izsaucās: ‘Ikviens, kurš ir gatavs mirt Jēzus dēļ, palieciet, kur esat!’ Tai pašā brīdī, no baznīcas izskrēja ārā visi draudzes koristi, tāpat arī diakoni un liela daļa draudzes. No 2000 palika tikai 20 cilvēku. Vīrietis, kurš bija kliedzis, atsedza seju, paskatījās uz mācītāju un teica: ‘Nu re, mācītāj! Tikām vaļā no visiem liekuļiem. Tagad jūs varat atsākt vadīt dievkalpojumu. Lai jums jauka svētdiena!’ Un abi vīri devās ārā no baznīcas.
Jocīgi, cik vienkārši cilvēks spēj novērsties no Dieva.... un tad brīnīties, kāpēc pasaule ir tieši tāda, kāda tā šobrīd ir...
Jocīgi, kad ticam visam, ko raksta avīzes, bet apšaubām to, kas rakstīts Bībelē.
Jocīgi, ka ikviens vēlas nonākt debesīs, bet bez ticības un domām, vārdiem, darbiem, ko māca Bībele.
Jocīgi vai baisi???
Jocīgi, kā viena daļa apgalvo: ’Es ticu Dievam’, bet tik un tā seko sātanam (kurš, starp citu, arī ‘tic’ Dievam).
Jocīgi, ka mēs varam sūtīt tūkstošiem dažādu jociņu pa e-pastu un tie ātri izplatās, bet kad jānosūta kāda ziņa, kas saistās ar To Kungu, cilvēki ilgi pārdomā, vai ar to dalīties vai nē.
Jocīgi, kā rupjās, vulgārās un neķītrās lietas brīvi darbojas interneta vidē, bet publiskas diskusijas par Jēzu tiek nomāktas gan skolās, gan darba vietās.
Jocīgi, vai ne? Jocīgi, ka spējam aizdegties ticībā uz Jēzu svētdienās, bet apklusināt to pārējās nedēļas dienās.
Vai tev tas neliekas smieklīgi?
Jocīgi, bet tu noteikti nepārsūtīsi šo ziņu daudziem no saviem paziņām, jo neesi pārliecināts par viņu ticību, vai to, ko viņi padomās par tevi.
Jocīgi, ka mūs vairāk uztrauc tas, ko citi cilvēki par mums domā, un nevis, kā mūs redz Dievs
Vai tu pārdomā to visu?
Vai tu padalīsies ar to arī ar citiem cilvēkiem? Vai nē?
Es izvēlējos tevi. Es saņēmu norādi nosūtīt šo ziņu cilvēkiem, kurus vēlos lai Dievs svētī, un es izvēlējos tieši tevi. Lūdzu, pārsūti to cilvēkiem, kuriem tu novēli Dieva svētību.